Sunday 5 April 2015

5. Critical Literacy:)

After almost completed this semester, I viewed Critical Literacy as an interesting subject to learn since this is my first time. All the difficulties that I faced from the first class can be overcome from times to times. This subject taught me a lot of patient and time management is important to complete the assignments.

My comments for this course, it should have introduction to this course. Maybe the students should learn the introduction to critical literacy before taking the critical literacy subject. So that, the students will be prepared enough to learn this subject. I really did not like mass lecture. It was so many of  students from other classes. While the lecturer taught, the students mind their own business. Lecturer cannot gave attention to all students. For me, lecture in the class is more effective than in mass lecture.

Apart of that, the classes for this subject should be in morning session since it will need the students focus and attention. In the morning, the students still energetic and have more energy compared to the afternoon and evening.

Thank you for all the guidance and knowledge toward this subject. Hoping to get good grade for this subject. Push myself to the limit!

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